Thursday, October 2, 2014


Looking for a snack for the kiddos and you don't want to load them with a huge amount of sugar and icky, processed stuff like chips or you just don't want to cook something? Try this out for a snack.

BONUS: The kiddos LOVE to help you make them.

What do you need?
1-2 organic bananas depending on the amount of people want a snack
all natural peanut butter or almond butter
(we use Jiff's version of PB because it costs less, but does have some more sugar than other all natural nut butters)
Butter knife or other knife to cut bananas

Step one: Cut banana into thin slices

Step two: Arrange about half of the bananas on some sort of serving dish. I used a side dish plate in the picture below. I usually don't use the ends as they are rounded, so I give them to the kiddos as a "cooking treat". :)

Step three: Place desired amount of nut butter on banana slices. I just put what I can get. Sometimes the bananas are slippery to get the nut butter to stay on, so you will just have to figure out what works for you.

Step four: Top off your sandwiches with the other slices of banana and VOILA!
You can serve as-is OR freezing them for about 20 minutes is really yummy too.

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