Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The 21 Day Fix Misconception

The first time I heard about the 21 Day Fix and some color-coded containers showing me how much I was allowed to eat, I was upset. I thought if I ate healthy, that I didn't need to measure out the amounts. In hindsight, I realize that OF COURSE the amount matters, but I had no idea. I came from a life of processed foods and no concept of what eating clean and healthy truly was (other than vegetables, I've always liked vegetables).
While I waited for my package to arrive, I looked up reviews online. They were super mixed and I read the bad ones, because I was nervous that I made the wrong decision! People said that they gained weight even though they followed the meal plan to a "T". Now I'm like.... Great. Now what did I get myself into. I kept it to myself and decided I was still going to give it a shot because I just needed to do something and I was looking forward to the workouts.

THEN I get my package in the mail and I look at these little containers and am SO nervous about starving, like was I REALLY supposed to eat my days worth of food out of these TINY containers? I decided to give it a week and then say I'm totally done. I'll just do the workouts.

Boy was I WRONG!!!!! First of all, you get multiple of each colored container each day (the number depending on where you are currently at with your weight, and should be recalculated after each round) and they each stood for something different (fruits, vegetables, grains, fats, oils, protein). 

Meal prep was actually a lot of fun and I didn't have to think a lot about it with the way I decided to do it (Blog post for another day) but I just portioned out according to the containers and didn't have to actually measure anything. 

On the first day I couldn't believe how much food I was supposed to eat. Not only were my meals a decent size, but I was allotted 2-3 snacks EVERY day! I had to actually tell myself that it was time to eat. With the water intake you are supposed to have (half your body weight in ounces), I was also staying fuller longer. With drinking the Shakeology, I was actually full for about 3-4 hours and it stabilized my energy so I didn't have my usual late morning crash.

As the weeks went on, it got easier for me to do the meal plan and I actually was eating all the food and still getting results. I was ecstatic. The Fix has literally been a lifestyle and I can't imagine not following that meal plan EVER, I've even tried. It just works for me and is so practical.

At the end of 30 days, I had lost 10 pounds and I never measured inches (BIG mistake). 

I am in love with the 21 Day Fix and I have found that it teaches everyone something new and we can all improve somewhere.
Checking off colored containers on a list is much more fun than checking of the vegetable list anyway.

If you found this helpful, I would love to see you comment below or share it on your social media.

Any questions I didn't answer or hesitations that I didn't cover? Comment below and I will respond to you!

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