Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Why are you not losing weight?

I've seen many people get super frustrated and come to me for help because they are working out and they are eating pretty healthy and they STILL aren't losing weight, some even gaining.

I'm not going to tell you that your problem is for sure one of these things, but it could be a contributing factor. Slowly adjusting yourself to improve these areas, will probably improve your health and ultimately help you reach your goals. I also want to explain to you that I am NOT a medical doctor and will not diagnose you with anything. These are just some examples of things that can slow, stall, or contradict weight loss.

1. Not enough sleep. This can hit you from a couple different angles. Maybe you are a late night snacker and you're just not realizing what you're doing? Also changes in your hormones when you are not getting enough sleep can actually increase your hunger and decrease the effectiveness of the "I'M FULL" sensor.

2. Stress. When our bodies are in a stressed state, we release what is called Cortisol, which can increase hunger. And usually as part of emotional eating we turn to those not so healthy, but oh so yummy snacks that are high in calories and have little to NO nutritional value for our bodies.

3. If you are on a medication. Sometimes these can cause weight gain. But I want to stress to you that you should not self medicate and dose. If you think this could be a cause, talk to your doctor to see what they can do for you.

4. Thyroid condition. Sometimes your thyroid doesn't produce enough hormones and can leave you with multiple symptoms, but one of them can be slowing of the metabolism. This causes your body to store more stuff and converting it into fat. Check with your doctor if you are curious about this.

5. Menopause and age effects the efficiency of your metabolism and can slow it down. These factors also play a role into where you gain weight.

6. If you are in the process of quitting smoking. This can increase your hunger because smoking actually decreases your appetite. However, once a few weeks pass by, quitting smoking will actually help you to lose weight.

I urged you to really look into your sleep and your stress level, so you can see what you can change and try for a while. If those just don't cut it, see your doctor and see what else could be going on. Also keep in mind that your dedication to your nutrition and to your workouts is very imperative in this time as well. Don't slack!

If you want help keeping you on track, please email me at and we can chat about how I can help you!

Post source: WebMD

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