Sunday, May 3, 2015

Easy Turkey Meatballs over Brown Rice and Quinoa

I am a very simple person. I DON'T have cooking skills. Period. But I try my best to get creative, especially when following a clean eating lifestyle. Because, well, who wants to eat salads every day? Or having a grilled chicken breast with veggies every day? I do love those meals, but not every day! No thank you.

However, I will tell you that this recipe is super simple, and not THAT exciting. But it's delicious and a nice change of pace from the normal salad and grilled chicken. Even better, my kiddos LOVE it!

seeds of change, shredded cheese, ground turkey, garlic powder, pepper, ingredientsSo what you need is:

*1 pound ground turkey, thawed
*2-3 tsp extra virgin olive oil
*garlic powder
*1-2 packages of Seeds of Change Brown Rice and Quinoa
*shredded cheese (optional)
*vegetable of choice (I usually use broccoli or asparagus.)

Yep that's it!

heat, olive oil, skillet, warm up, cookingThen what I do is heat up 1 tsp olive oil in a skillet over medium heat while I am preparing the meatballs.

ground turkey, 21 day fix, cube, meatballs, healthyI tend to take the ground turkey out of the package and sprinkle it with garlic powder and pepper (to preference), and cut it up into even squares on a cutting board. I used to just rip off chunks from the bulk of the package, but I ended up getting different sized meatballs that cooked for different lengths, which annoyed me so I started doing it this way.

turkey meatballs, prepare, meal prep, ball, healthy foodOnce the pound of ground turkey is cut into even squares, I will roll each square into it's own meatball! Super simple and totally not rocket science. Then I place about half of the meatballs into the skillet and sear on each side for a couple minutes because ground turkey likes to fall apart easily. I finish cooking and rotating to cook evenly until done. I don't time it just because I watch it, but if I were to guess, they take about a total of 8-10 minutes to cook.

pan fry, cook, skillet, ground turkey, deliciousOnce that batch is done, I will usually put another table spoon of oil into the pan just so that it is moist again in the pan and doesn't have too much remnants of the previous batch. Let that heat for a minute or so and then add the rest of the meatballs and repeat the same process.

Once those are almost done, I prepare the Seeds of Change packages. This is the easiest step, because all you have to do is microwave each package for 90 seconds and BAM-done! Remember how I've said that you want to have as little ingredients as possible in order to ensure that you are actually eating clean? Literally the ONLY ingredients in this easy to make package is brown rice, quinoa, and garlic. Super simple, convenient (really 90 seconds in the microwave!) and CLEAN FOOD! It's a beautiful thing well all of that comes together!
ready to eat, simple recipe, ground turkey meatballs, brown rice, quinoa, clean eating
Now I get to serve onto the plates and eat!

Each serving is about 6-7 meatballs served on top of 1/2 cup of the quinoa/brown rice mixture, and 1/8 cup of shredded cheese sprinkled on top. Serve 1 cup of vegetable on the side.

21 Day Fix approved? Oh yes!
1 red, 1 yellow, 1/2 blue, 1 green, 1 tsp (roughly)

Let me know how you like it! It's one of my FAVS!!

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