Thursday, May 14, 2015

Let's Build a Business on YOUR Schedule

One of the things that I hear the MOST is that people are way too busy to add this coaching thing into their life. And believe me, I was totally one of those people that used that excuse.

And let me tell you, it was a VERY valid excuse for me. After all, I work one full time job, one part time job (one day a week), have two small children and a husband. When it comes to time, I'm not one that has much.

BUT I wanted to make this work so that I could reach my goal of being able to work from home, doing something I love, and BEING PRESENT 100% in my children's lives. Once sports and activities begin, I want to be able to offer to my children the options and opportunity that I was given growing up. And it wasn't possible at the rate I was going.

Until now. I put my notice in at my full time job. I will up my part time job A LITTLE, but will be a FULL TIME coach - AT HOME - with my kids. I make my hours. I decide when it's play time and when it's work time.

There are so many things that I can say are the BEST part of this business, but when it comes to what is "required" of you... YOU get to decide that. YOU get to decide how much time you can and want to put into it.

You have 15 minutes a day to work it? Great! I'll show you how to make that work and get you to progress.

You have an hour? Super! I'll give you the right activities to make it work.

You have all the time in the world? Cool, but I'm going to show you how to NOT work all the time. :)

I'm still taking applications for people wanting to join my team through the end of the month! Interviews will be finished by the 31st so that we can start our training on the 1st of June!

Fill out my online form.
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