Clean Eating

What exactly is clean eating?

There are lots of different opinions on this and I don't want you to think that it is one hundred percent my way, because I'm just not a strict clean eater (most the time).

When it comes to the foods that you eat, you want to make sure that you are eating the products that are whole foods. Nothing that has been altered with chemicals or fake food products. Our stores are filled with this stuff that LOOKS like it is healthy, when in essence you are just adding a fake substance into your body. You want to reduce the amount of refined sugars (mainly the indulgences that we like to call dessert), but for my sake, please enjoy a small piece of cake on your birthday!

Lots of people these days are cutting grains out of their diets completely, and I understand the appeal of it and how it gets you results so quickly. However, if your body doesn't consume a particular food group for an extended period of time, it sort of "forgets" how to process it. Lots of time this results in some stomach discomfort and sickness for a couple days, even on just a small amount of it. There are also benefits to having the grains in their whole forms that you are missing out on while cutting them out of your diet.

Please enjoy meat. I love meat. I can't stand the days that I don't have some sort of meat protein. Just stick to the leaner stuff. Yes, you can still have steak and burgers and stuff, but minimize it to once a month or as a cheat meal or make it a flank steak or really lean percentage of ground beef. White meats are the best (chicken, turkey, fish, etc.).

Read your labels! Usually something that consists of 3-5 different ingredients, is pretty clean and whole. However, refer to my link below about how to interpret those labels.

I will add more links below as I write about different clean eating topics, so check back often!

For now, email me at for a FREE meal plan complete with recipes and a grocery list! Just put "Blog Meal Plan" in the subject line so I know what you're looking for!

There are lots of strategies and tips that you can receive from me on how to make it into a simple lifestyle and mindset change. If you are interested in joining me in a free group to talk about this, please fill out this information below the links so that we can connect and get you on your way to a healthier lifestyle!

How to Find Clean Foods While Grocery Shopping
8 Tips to Start Getting Healthier

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