Thursday, September 3, 2015

Superfood Popsicles

Recently, I've been REALLY craving chocolate and ice cream. I'm a chocolate fanatic - big time. And my son loves Popsicles (or at least says he does, but he never finishes one).
So when he asked to make Popsicles, I thought that sounded fantastic!

There are many ways to make Popsicles without having the unnatural sugars and artificial ingredients that MANY store bought Popsicles have!

Here is the simple version:
1 scoop of Shakeology (any flavor will work with this recipe! We used vegan chocolate and vegan tropical strawberry.)
1 banana
8-10 ounces unsweetened almond milk
(1 tablespoon all natural PB if you want too!)
Blend together and Pour into your popsicle tray (leave about an eighth of an inch from the top as they expand as they freeze).
Freeze for about an hour or two and they are ready to enjoy!

I let my son break apart the banana and dump the ingredients in the food processor and I poured the mixture into the popsicle tray - which you can see I made the mess!!!!

And... DON'T WORRY this is totally 5 year old approved and 2 year old approved. :0 They devoured it! 

Add Shakeology and Banana to almond milk
Break apart banana
Mix it all up!!!

Next time use a blender with a pour spout!!!!
 Time to FREEZE!

I hope this has sparked an idea in your head to make some homemade Superfood Popsicles to give your kids amazing nutrition in the form of a treat!

If you would like more information on Shakeology and how to get it, feel free to shoot me an email to!

Have a fantastic Labor Day Weekend, stay cool!

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