Sunday, December 6, 2015

Brazil Butt Lift for a WEEK!

Good evening friends! I just finished my meal plan and will be shopping after I bring my son to school in the morning (I have what I need for bfast!).

I'm starting Hammer and Chisel on the 14th (more to come on this!!!), but I want to get myself back into the prepping and sticking to a program! With my shoulder still being weird, I'm going to do Brazil Butt Lift for a week! I have no butt, and it has very little shoulder impact - so I figured, WHY NOT?! haha!

Printed out the nutrition plan (LOTS of pages, so used my work printer at the clinic, HA!) from Beachbody on Demand and planned my week! I will also finish my grocery list for the recipes in the morning, as I am at work and don't remem
ber if I have certain things!

Feel free to use this as ideas for meals/snacks! The measurements are a little different than the Fix, so you would just measure by your containers vs. taking these measurements. :)

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